Check out your weekly Newsish Roundup for January 24-31, 2018

In the News Today:

  • Eagle Cap Extreme Sled Dog Race
  • Life Is A Highway Performance at EOU

This video was brought to you by Northwest Furniture and Mattress, Grande Ronde Hospital, EONI, and Les Schwab Tires

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Eagle Cap Extreme, sled dog racing, la grande, wallowa, joseph oregon, eastern oregon university, michelle benton, billy boyd
Category: Newsish
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Helloooooo La Grande Alive! This is your weekly Newsish Roundup brought to you by these, our sponsors!

LGA TV La Grande Oregon - Weekly Newsish RoundupMichelle Burton and Billy Boyd are a pair of professional choreographers who have been performing and coreographing together for, well, pretty much forever. And for the month or so, they’ve been working with students at Eastern Oregon University to put together the upcoming performance “Life is a Highway”, a group of performances all oriented around travel.

Now these two aren’t small potatoes. And what I mean by that is these guys are the real deal. They’ve been working in the industry for a long time. They’ve performed at Disney Hall and the Ford Amphitheater. They’ve worked with a lot of big names in the performance industry. They’ve worked in Africa to create a social theatre at a local AIDS orphanage. Like I said, not small potatoes. And so when I talked to them naturally I asked them, why the heck come here?

Now, they have been working with the students for about two weeks now. And they said one of the biggest joys they’ve had is watching the students step up to the plate for challenging numbers. Because this play is broad! It’s going to have pieces from everything from the title piece Life is a Highway to Hamilton the Musical. It’s difficult performance, but that hasn’t stopped the students from taking the bull by the horns and throwing themselves into it. And what it’s resulted in is a performance for everyone!

The performances are the weekend of February 3rd. Ticket information and performance times can be found on EOU’s website.

Like this story? Be sure to share it along and get entered into La Grande Alive’s monthly drawing for a $20 dollar gift certificate to Marketplace Family Foods!

This video was brought to you by Northwest Furniture and Mattress, Grande Ronde Hospital, EONI, and Les Schwab Tires

Did you know that Eastern Oregon has sled dog racing?

I didn’t know that!

LGA TV La Grande Oregon - Weekly Newsish RoundupWell, we do! Every year in January the Eagle Cap Extreme sled-dog race brings between two and four hundred people to Ferguson Ridge Ski Area for a series of sled dog races right here in Eastern Oregon. There’s 4 races: the 200 mile, the one hundred mile, the sixty two mile, and the 21 mile junior race. Every year the sled dogs congregate in a great mass of snow and dogs barking and yowling to be let off the leash to pull and run. Most athletes know the feeling: they want to run.

And then when noon rolls around, Everyone gathers around, boom! The mushers yell and the dogs pull and off the teams are gone, some for multiple days.

Now, this year, according to their website, the race winners were Miriam Osredkar for the 200 mile, Trevor Warren for the 100 mile race, and Jane Devlin for the 2 day 62 mile race. The winner of the 200 mile race finished the race in 32 hours and about 45 minutes. That’s 32 hours in the cold, wet Eagle Caps with nothing but dogs and your thoughts. I would probably go insane.

So if this interests you, next year be sure to head out to Ferguson Ridge ski area just outside of Joseph Oregon for the Eagle Cap Extreme, 2019! Also, be sure to share this video along to be entered into our January drawing for a $20 Marketplace family foods gift certificate.

This video was brought to you by Northwest Furniture and Mattress, Grande Ronde Hospital, EONI, and Les Schwab Tires

And that’s your weekly doggie roundup! Newsish roundup, I mean… One more big shout out to our sponsors.

Be sure to share this video and tune in to La Grande Alive for more local content. I’m Will Bowman.